Learn effective solutions to prevent future incidents
Many organisations don't benefit fully from incident investigations, leading to recurring serious incidents. Our online training teaches you how to use SCALE to identify, analyse and learn from potential serious injury or fatality incidents (SIFp), improve operational reliability and reduce worker risk.
Incident Investigation Course
Have you ever wondered why unplanned and damaging events continue to occur in the workplace, despite significant efforts to learn from them and implement improvement strategies?
For many organisations, these events happen far too frequently, despite a lot of investment attempting to learn from these events, and sincere attempts at putting improvement strategies in place.
Our Incident investigation course offers a proven method to identify, analyse and learn from such incidents; from assessing severity to understanding human and organisational factors and formulating remediation actions. Empower yourself and your firm and learn how to improve operational reliability and reduce worker risk.
This course includes
9 Lessons
Full access for up to 6 months
Access on desktops, tablets, mobile
Certificate on completion
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Introduction, background & key concepts
Introduces the background to this investigation approach and some of the more important concepts that underpin the process. Also covers some of the learning highlights involving over 10,000 investigation reviews.
Information needed for effective investigation
This session walks you through the kinds of incident information needed to build a clear picture of what happened to allow you to move through the analytical stages of the investigation with greatest confidence.
Event Prioritisation
This session deals with categorising incidents accurately based on severity potential, which will help to guide your decision on whether to do a deep-dive analysis.
Risk Controls and how they fail
The first technical session, covers dealing with risk controls and how to analyse which ones are relevant to an incident.
Human Factors & Cognitive Hazards
Addresses human factors and how our brain function and behaviour influences workplace risk management.
Operational & Organisation Factors
Deals with operational and organisation factors - what some call the blunt end of incident causality - and how they perpetuate undesirable exposure.
Making sense of analytical findings
Helps you make sense of what may be a long list of analytical findings from your investigation.
Action decision
Provides you with a unique and powerful approach to developing actions that address control weaknesses and the various factors that reduce the effectiveness of control implementation.
Action decision
An optional session targeted at people who want to perform analysis on a larger number of historical incidents to extract learning about how well risks have been managed over time.
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Benefits of the learning
Comprehensively analyse incidents and unplanned events
SCALE is a unique methodology for those who want to more deeply understand why work goes wrong, and what to do about it, so that repeat events are unlikely to happen.
Select the right incidents for analysis
SCALE leverages a proven decision-tree method for determining which incidents should merit the greatest attention. This is a critical step to get right for organisations that want to learn how improve their control of critical risk, and when investigation resources are stretched.
Analyse for factors beyond human error
We know that people will make mistakes, but when things go wrong, we must drill into the conditions that allow human error to manifest. The SCALE methodology facilitates deeper analysis into factors that often go unnoticed, which leads to greater opportunity for effective risk reduction.
Develop high value corrective actions
Developing and implementing the right corrective actions is key to reducing likelihood of repeat events. The SCALE methodology maps a clear path to actions that will comprehensively address the many factors that can weaken control and reveal opportunities to redesign the way controls function in the workplace.
Meet the Course Contributors
With a robust background in operations management, organisation development, HR management, leadership, and culture development, Warren Smith is dedicated to enhancing safety performance across industries. Over the past twenty years, he has worked with both large and medium-sized enterprises, guiding them towards pragmatic safety performance improvements.
Liz is an experienced senior Health and Safety Professional with a strong HR and Organisation Change background. She brings significant experience working in both senior and operational roles within work health and safety, organisation development, HR and quality management systems.