Does your safety strategy have a learning focus?
Let’s assume for a second that your organisation struggles a bit with consistent categorising, investigating, and learning from serious incidents.
...Actions planned off the back of those investigations don’t seem to bite into exposure, even when they’re thoroughly implemented.
...For some hard-to-fathom reason, that serious incident seems to repeat itself like Groundhog Day despite making the changes your investigations recommend.
...You know your organisation is probably just like most others in this regard, but that’s only very cold comfort.
If you could wave a magic wand and solve all those challenges that your strategy sessions have identified, what do you think would have to change?
- Safety dudes and operational colleagues only deep-diving on high-severity actual and potential incidents?
- Investigations consistently thorough in exploration of people, system, culture factors?
- Leaders driving a learning culture and taking an active interest in whether actions deliver desired change?
- Incident data mined for trends and causes of control breakdowns across time, different operations and locations?
What would it look like for you? D
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